Two Locations to serve you: Lanett, AL & Alexander City, AL

Alabama's First-Choice Bankcruptcy Lawyer

Garnishment Services

You work hard for your wages. Nothing is worse than having your hard-earned paycheck garnished by a creditor or the IRS. At Chuck Reynolds Law Firm, we understand that you need your money to support your family, pay rent, and buy food. Trust us to help you stop wage garnishment. In some cases, we can even have past garnished wages returned to you.

Get Help Fast

If your paychecks are being threatened by creditors, it is essential that you ask for support as soon as possible. Bankruptcy can be a long and complex process; however, having an experienced attorney in your corner from the outset makes all the difference. Take advantage of our garnishment services today. We'll fight to ensure that your next check is a full one.

How Does Bankruptcy Help?

When you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect. This stay puts an immediate halt on any attempts by creditors to take your money while the bankruptcy process is moving forward. Additionally, any wage garnishments are put to a stop, even if you have multiple in place at once. Having a stay in place allows you some breathing room, so that you can get your personal and financial affairs back in order.